15:00 lnstitutional greetings and start of work
Tommaso NESI- President of Confartigianato Restauro Toscana
Eugenio GIANI – President of the Region of Tuscany
15:30 Reform of the Title of the Penal Code Dedicated to Cultural Heritage
Lucrezia Franceschetti – University of Trento
16:00 Activities of the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage – TPC
Major Claudio Mauti – TPC Unit of Florence
16:30 Tasks and Activities of the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage in Our Country
Antonella Ranaldi – Superintendent of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Florence and for the Provinces of Pistoia and Prato*
17:00 The Role of UNESCO’s 1972 Convention for the Protection and Management of World Heritage Sites – Challenges and Opportunities
Carlo Francini – Scientific Coordinator of the Associazione Beni Italiani Patrimonio Mondiale (Association of Italian World Heritage Sites)
17:30 Goals and Objectives of UNESCO Clubs and Associations
Vittorio Gasparrini- President of Associazione Club Unesco Firenze (Club Unesco Association in Florence)
18:00 Conclusions
Roberto Borgogno – President of Confartigianato Restauro